It's halloween time....and achu had to dress up for the

party at school. I was wondering what to dress him up as....Dracula , leafman (an idea I got from the net) or frankenstein ...had very little time to decide on something simple...called up a few places and they had a coat which would suit Dracula but then I had to go and collect it ...no time....On our way back home we stopped at a kids store which luckily had dungarees ...so at that instance the lethal mechanic was born....got some red lipstick and some black eyeliner ...2 band aids ...some hair gel and voila! the whole kit was ready...It took me me a record time of 10 minutes to get him all set....Not very

impressive but then hey!....with that little time in hand what more can you expect ....Jus clicked a few snaps ( achu never stays still...he's always on the move...)...notice the stitch like pattern on his face and hands ...don't forget the skull tattoo...and the tools with bloodstains on it hmmm...maybe next halloween achu will tell me what he wants to be....now does that make my work easier or tougher ...I wonder!!!!????...don't know...This year its the little
LETHAL MECHANIC in action...Run for thy life human....:)