Its been a long time since Achu and Acha bonded. But lately they have been spending sometime together...
- visiting car shops to do a few test drives I guess ( No I am not a part of the gang when it comes to car shops )
- buying sports gear....a bat too heavy for Achu , some tennis balls and weights for Acha...Acha and achu have fun playing inhouse cricket at night just before dinner.
- trying to find a telescope!!!!!!!...they search for the weirdest of things...something that interests me as well but if you ask me but "Is it the need of the hour?" I would say no
- toppling over Acha , pillow fights and more...watching the process makes me tired
- without me nudging Acha to do something with the lil chap....
- while I am away for yoga ( It's been 5 days since I started it and I have been bragging like its been 5 yrs :)...)