- Writing: Slow but neat.Ask him why he is slow..."Pinne fastayitu neat-a ezhudhan pativo?!!!" (How can you write neatly when you are fast???!!!...)
- Music: Nope. He's not Super Singer material....He might end up being a good lyricist :)
- Vocab: Gift of the gab intact! Shy when we are around!
- is where is heart is
- he prefers to stay at home and play with his cars and in his car...and the cycle for a change.
- getting all sun burnt from cycling mid day
- 17 kgs... not more not less
- Food and loo breaks still remain avoided until its impossible to stay away
- asks for a kid brother!
- mushroom soup, noodles and fish remain his favorites
- loves to draw,write and do anything with his colors
- hates homework
- lost 2 milk teeth
- in the process of gaining 2 teeth
- made a few new friends while cycling down the street
- loves to be cuddled
Awwwww... He is growing up. :)
Brother mathi? no sister? why???
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