Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dance Baby Dance

Achu's latest obsession.....D A N C E....:)
For a person who loves to watch and perform,I was more than happy when I knew my son had inherited this trait from me.

His jigs range from athletic exercise like moves to break dance-ish steps and a slight shammi head shake that culminates in a hip or bum shake. Its fun to watch him because he is so happy when he is at it.

It all began long back at his play school where he first performed for the hindi song 'Desi girl'.While the other kids were doing their thing and getting distracted Achu was attentively following the teacher. I thought he would love to join a dance class but I guess he was too young. He refused to be put in a class.

Everytime there was a dance show or a movie song on TV Achu would have his eyes fixed to the screen. Oh! Ok am exaggerating and slightly lying ....those were my eyes :)....Achu would be in the background cursing me for not letting him watch his Mr.Bean. But I did find him casually looking at the dance and tapping his feet or snapping his fingers.I did.

Last month there was a little camp next to our house. A 7 day camp. I sent him and he went! They had a stage show.Achu danced with bigger kids and loved it to the core. After the show he came upto me with a big grin and said "Amma yenniku idhupola pinniyum cheyanam" (Amma I want to do this again ).

I am hoping to send Achu to a dance school this June.



ssb said...

I wish u do that ,..... :)

Gayatri said...

- so do I ;b