Tuesday, September 6, 2011

To Market , to Market...

....to buy a new car

One sunny Sunday M and Achu went window shopping at their favorite shop. Oh yeah! The new swift had come to town and they had to have a look at it, feel it and have a ride.

The two of them were rather impressed with the new arrival.

M drooling : It had new headlights
Achu crooning : It had bigggg tyres and had sesth drive written on it ( That's how he pronounces test drive)

Oh Well ok so I ain't a car person so I wasn't very keen anyways when the two of them got back and narrated the whole scene

Then M told me Achu was talking in UK English ( courtesy: Mr.Bean series). He was requesting M to BUY the car. You heard it right ...he actually wanted to buy the car.

Achu: Acha please let's buy it. It's Lovely
M: No not now we don't have the money ( Giving out sheepish grins to the people around)
Achu: Let's go home and get the money
M: We have to convince Amma also Achu
Achu: Got all silent for sometime......then came close to M and asked loudly  "Acha convince yenocha yendhonu?" (what does convince mean?)
M:........Let's go........


1 comment:

noon said...

Indulge the boy! :) Buy the car! :)
Life is so easy in the eyes of a child right!